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This combo is changing the way that exterior cleaners look at post construction washing as well as just dusty & dirty surfaces. It is also a very good alternative to using SH. Check out our blog that gives step by step instructions on how to use this amazing mix.
This Bundle includes 1 - 5 Gallon of Britenol & 1 - 5 Gallon of Cleansol BC.
- Using a downstream injector you will want to apply HD Britenol at a 40:1 ratio onto the surface that you are working on. Make sure to apply the solution starting at the bottom and working your way up. Apply an even coating onto the entire surface.
- Do not let the solution dry onto the surface so work on a small area in stages rather than applying the solution to a large area. Consider the weather conditions while performing the work. When the temperature is warm or hot you will want to work on small sections and if the weather is more overcast or raining then you can work on larger sections with less chance of the surface drying in between applications.
- After allowing the solution to dwell for 5-10 minutes and not allowing it to dry you will want to repeat the process. Again, apply HD Britenol at a 40:1 ratio. Do not let the solution dry and let it dwell for 5-10 minutes.
- At a 40:1 ratio you will now apply Cleansol BC to the surface. Because this is a 2 step process you will make sure to NOT rinse the previous applications of HD Britenol. The real magic happens when the Cleansol BC mixes with the HD Britenol and you begin to see a new layer of dirt and grime come off of the surface. With the HD Britenol being a low PH soap and the Cleansol BC being a high PH soap, the 2 soaps will create a “Shock” effect that will break the surface tension of the dust and will allow for a much more efficient rinsing process.
- With both HD Britenol and Cleansol BC, it is a good idea to add a small amount of surfactant to increase your dwell time on the vertical surface. We recommend using 5oz of either Dragon Grip or Beaver Juice per 5 gallons of RTU (Ready To Use) mix when applying the soaps via a high draw chemical downstream injector.
- After spraying the Cleansol BC onto the surface you will want to allow it to dwell for 5-10 minutes and ensure that it does not dry on the surface. If it does dry just re-apply and follow the same steps.
- Now it is time to fully rinse the surface starting from the top and working all the way to the bottom. At the same time make sure to rinse windows, frames and any other typically sensitive areas first.
- After the surface has been rinsed and dry you can double check for any areas that you might have missed.
- Apply HD Britenol at a 40:1 ratio
- Wait 5-10 minutes (do not let the soap dry)
- Apply a second application of HD Britenol at a 40:1 ratio
- Do not rinse
- Wait 5-10 minutes (do not let the soap dry)
- Apply Cleansol BC at a 40:1 ratio
- Wait 5-10 minutes (do not let the soap dry)
- Rinse windows, frames, sensitive areas first
- Rinse everything else from the top to the bottom
- Double check work
This method has proven to work very well on post construction jobs and new builds. It also works great for houses and building that are located in dusty climates and do not get to much organic growth.
The ratios listed above can be adjusted to 20:1 or even 10:1 and can be applied without a "second application" if desired.
SKU: 2-Step-Bundle